Sunday, May 28, 2006

powers that be

pictures from thursday night bowling. i am on a league and at last check my average clocked in around 177. i have been slipping some for the last couple of weeks but i believe that is due to my negative thinking. "i'dont how to bowl anymore." i'd say in a fit of rage because i dropped my shoulder and the ball landed 4 or 5 boards to the right of my actual target board. it frustrates me that i am having a tough time being consistant. i am thankful for the bowling skills that i have right now, but what i am asking is to make my mind, body, and bowling ball one living, breathing thing that keeps me "steady like a train, sharp as a razor". you gotta love the man in black...thank the heavens for johnny cash.

our thoughts effect everything around us, including us. that statement goes further into layers of advanced understanding than i can possible phantom. i felt the need to type that in and stare at it for a few moments....reading and re-reading. althought it seems complex, i was told that it is the simplest thing that you can do in your life. it's called the law of attraction. in a nut-shell this law states that we should focus not on the bad things in our life and the places we've been in the past, but think and image in a postive nature about the objects or items or relationships or financial status that we want for ourselves. we are the founding fathers. we are the architects that design the future. we are the workers that build the vision. we are the presidents that control the countries. we are what we want to be. without question. as i sit here right now, i am seeing in my mind a picture of a better me. a better person. a better thinker. a better writer. a better drummer. a better photographer. a better veseasl for information flowing both inward and outward.

'til next time...cheers!

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

untitled thoughts rained. most of the morning and right on thru my lunch. but the blue skies finally broke free and a few brief rays of sun warmed my soul. i love sun breaks on a grey days. there's something assuring when change happens...from the darkest of moments to brightest of times. it's really quite simple when you stop to think about not thinking about it. some people say that complexity makes the man, i disagree. i believe that complexity creates the problems. the problems that you, me and everyone else deal with every day. every minute. every secord. you may not "feel" it, or you may and you choose not to acknowledge it, either way it is still apart of your existance. you might think this doesn't make sense, and i'll agree with doesn't. faith is in my head right now....what does it want? it comes knocking from time to time. i use to have faith, but i don't know in what or of what or whatever. i can honesty say at this point in my life, i have faith in nothing. faith is complex...and we've learned what that means. time to get LOST.

'til next time, Cheers!

p.s. the pictures posted today were taken of a visualization dancing around my windows media player as an uplifting 1994 version of The Grateful Dead's song "Fire On The Mountian" played on and on and on and on...

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

the rambler rambles on...

It's been forever since my last post...and not much has happened. I leave for vacation next week and I am ready to take a break from my normal routine and experience new new places, new people and new thoughts. I have decided that I am going to commit myself to keeping a journal of everyday that I am on vacation. When the momnet graps me, I will give it my attention. I want to know what I am saying to myself...on the inside. I've always felt that there is something great within me, but I can't seem to define what that may be. At times, I block myself from exploring me, but I have no idea why. Most days I can only write questions....questions with no tangible answers. I get tired of the questions. I just want to write. "Writing Down The Bones" by Natalie Goldberg is taking the trip with me. I've read the book front to back, but I've never participated in the exercises that she spells out. I believe that the change of scenery for a couple of days will cause a spark, and being away from my daily distractions will fan the flames. Whatever shall I write about...? Breaking free from the ties that bind me. I've been affraid to be who I am and to speak my mind becasue of what I've feared to be the dreaded reactions from those that I love.

As of today, I am taking three cameras: E900, the Wicked Rebal and the Leica (digital, digital, traditional...old-school badass). Thanks Ted for the sweet loaner. I have decided that I want to focus, no pun intended, on the digital cameras. I'd like to think that I'd only take one picture a day with the Lieca, but I hate the putting that kind of restriction on myself. How can I? When there are new things to see through both my eye and the cameras. I am excited to get on the road now...even though I won't be driving until I get to Rhode Island.

...on with the Broken Halo....'til next time, Cheers!

p.s. The picture posted is one of the last times that I captured by a beautiful sunset while living on the farm.