Friday, July 07, 2006

the need

i felt a sudden need to post several of my pictures from the one from a couple of days ago. some have titles, others don't. my theroy is this: if i look at a photo that i have taken and a name jumps out at me, i use it. if nothing strikes my fancy, it typically will never have a name...other than the one the camera assigns it. i can only think of a few images that i have, at some later date, renamed.

if you think about it, what's out there is always the same. it never alters. it lives in a constate state of changless bliss. it only becomes inturrepted, mis-understood and judged into whatever our minds make of it. that is what makes us unique creates. we are the same thing physically, but when it comes to are you and you alone. there is no one that sees what you see.


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